You are responsible for yourself and any non-gardeners accompanying you at all times while on The Garden site. Ensure that your conduct in the Community Garden location is safe, responsible and respectful to other garden users, to all other park users and staff.
Gardeners are required to take all of their garbage off the site, including plant waste from the garden.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your contact information is complete and current.
Gardeners will be provided an opportunity to renew their garden bed (if applicable to the designated garden plot) after one year for a maximum of two years total for the following season. If a second year in The Garden is requested you will need to inform the Residents Association on your intent in October at the end of the initial growing season. A confirmation of this will be sent via an email invitation in February to confirm registration. Gardeners will be provided with 3 weeks to renew their garden bed after the email in February. Failure to respond and provide the season’s garden fees and a signed user agreement by the renewal deadline will result in the garden bed being reassigned to a new gardener. A complete list of gardeners will be compiled and plots assigned in April.
Garden Plots come with the raised planter filled with a base of a top soil and compost mix. This is left with area at the top to fill with your own potting/ top soil so that you can put in whatever soil best suits your plants. All watering in the Garden is provided via hand watering from a tap at the front of the Garden.
Garden Plots must be kept tidy, free of weeds, garbage and litter. Overgrown garden beds will not
be permitted and may be removed. Please refer to your garden bed rental terms for details on the removal process.
Seeds must be collected in a timely manner. Seeds, seedlings, compost, tomato cages, gardening hand tools, and crop labels are the individual gardener’s responsibility.
Gardens must be planted by June 15th. If not planted the plot will be considered abandoned and will be given to the next gardener on the waiting list. Fees will not be refunded and you will not be able to renew your garden bed for the following year. Please notify the Residents Association Staff when your garden bed has been planted at
Failure to keep your garden bed well maintained can result in your garden bed being reassigned to a new gardener the following year.
All temporary structures for plant support also must be removed by the end of the growing season.
Pesticide Free
Use no chemical pesticides, insecticides, herbicides or fertilizers.
Use finished compost for soil enhancement. No animal manures due to E. Coli health risk.
No pets in The Garden.
The Garden will be smoke free for all gardeners and guests.
All watering is via hand watering from the water source at the garden site. This is provided by a tap on site. You must bring your own watering can to transfer water to your garden plot. Water availability is based on overnight frost conditions and can be turned off at any time, at the garden manager’s discretion.
Rain collection for edible crops is not permitted on public land due to health and safety concerns. Rain water will not be collected on site.
You are responsible for watering your own garden bed or arranging volunteers to water on your behalf in your absence.
Planting Responsibilities
Grow no invasive plants species. No cannabis or illicit substances may be planted and if found the gardener will be banned from The Garden.
A bin of top soil and compost soil will be provided once per year at The Garden for use by any member of The Garden. The Compost bin is a mix of pre composted soil and Topsoil, garden and vegetable waste are not permitted to be placed in it. New waste must be transported off site when produced. Compost materials are for use by The Community Garden only and are not to be removed from the site.
Deal with insect and weed infestations quickly and organically to prevent spread to other plots.
Pick produce when it is ripe. Only pick produce and flowers from your own garden bed.
You are responsible for providing and storing your own garden tools.
Plant supports and garden decorations must be no higher than 36 inches tall and must not impede or block sunlight of adjacent garden beds. Stakes must be pushed in by hand to prevent damage to planter box and underground utilities. Restrict crops to no more than 48 inches in height so as not to shade neighbouring beds.
The garden planter boxes are the property of the Legacy Residents Association and may not be modified. Temporary structures must not cause damage to the existing garden planter boxes and be removed and stored off-site by no later than October 31st.
By October 31st all foliage (excluding perennials) must be cut down and composted. It is your responsibility to notify the Residents Association if you are eligible for a second year in the plot if you wish to leave any plants for the next season. After November 1st, the Residents Association reserves the right to have volunteers clean up your garden bed if you have not previously notified the Residents Association.
If your garden bed is expiring the next year your garden bed must be emptied by October 31st, or penalties may occur.
Garden Bed Rental
This garden bed rental agreement is for the period of May 1st to October 31st 2017
Gardeners must possess a Residents Association membership (this is open to members of the community of Legacy only) and be up-to-date on fee payment. This will be confirmed on June 30th.
If payments have not been made your plot will be given to another gardener.
Plot rental fees for gardeners of the Legacy Community Gardens are refundable until April 1st and
non-refundable after that date.
By May 1, people new to The Garden are assigned garden beds in the order listed on the waiting list.