Community News

What's Happening In The Community

Legacy Community of the Year

Neighbour Day

Are you a Legacy Resident and hosting a Neighbour day event? Email us with us the details so we can share it out with more residents!

There is a resident held event happening in the park on Legacy Blvd, stay tuned for more details on more events as they come in!

2018 Stampede Breakfast

 Watch for more details to come on the 2018 Legacy residents Association Stampede Breakfast!

The Legacy Residents Association will be holding their Second Annual Stampede Breakfast will be held in front of the New Estate Show Homes on Legacy Mount SE. The breakfast will be held on July 14th from 9-11AM.

Entertainment will include:

Hayrides through the Community

Stampede Breakfast being served by Legacy Residents Association Board Members


We are looking for community volunteers to help us with Pancake flipping and horse rides! please email us at







Legacy Residents Association Annual Meeting

Please Join us on

March 6, 2018
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Delta South in the Bonavista Ballroom
135 Southland Dr SE

The Residents Association is set up to maintain and enhance the community. During this meeting we will be discussing:

What is the Legacy Residents Association?
Where do my fees go?
2018 Review
Future Plans

Legacy Residents Association Stampede Breakfast

The Legacy Residents Association will be holding their first Stampede Breakfast will be held in front of the Estate Show Homes on Legacy Mount SE. The breakfast will be held on July 8th from 9-11AM.

Entertainment will include:

Two Bit Bandits band performance

Hayrides through the Community

Stampede Breakfast being served by Legacy Residents Association Board Members

Legacy Book Truck Visits

 The Calgary Public Library Book Truck will be coming to Legacy biweekly in the summer from 10:00AM to 12:00PM!


 The book truck will be at 73 Legacy Mount SE on July 10th and 24th and August 11th and 21st.


The Book Truck brings books, movies, and many of their services to the community and gets people of all ages excited about reading and books. Everything is free with the Book Truck, Community members can come aboard and:


Register for a free Library Card

Browse and borrow from their collection of 1,500 books and movies

Return Library items

Attend story time and pop up reading lounges




In addition, during the Book Truck visits, one of the librarians will lead a 30 minute Storytime at 10:30AM. Storytime will be geared to kids aged between 2-5 years old. Parents must stay with their children during Storytime. Weather permitting, the Story time will be held in front of the Open Hearts Sculpture on Legacy Mount near the book truck. If the Weather is cold, rainy, etc. the Storytime will be held inside the nearby Calbridge Show home.

Legacy Skating Rink

Legacy Skating Rink

The community ice rinks were installed in December for all residents to enjoy. The two rinks located in the park on Legacy View SE will be maintained by WestCreek Developments throughout the winter.





During the month of December, Calgary’s Community of the Year, Legacy, will be hosting their 2nd annual family-friendly Christmas light parade with over 80,000 lights!  For some classic winter fun drive through the entire community to experience the tunnels of lights, Christmas displays and an outdoor skating rink!  The community’s 22 show homes have been decked out in lights for the holidays welcoming one and all for some Christmas cheer. Toy Mountain donations can also be made at the Calbridge show homes.

Open Hearts Public Art Unveiling

Sculpture Unveiling Celebration with Jane Seymour!

12pm – 3pm

Legacy Residents Association’s First Annual General Meeting

6:30pm – 8:30pm at Cardel Theatre